Marvellous Spelling is a visual spelling strategy. It teaches people how to store a picture of a word in their visual memory and how to retrieve that picture whenever they need it…just like remembering what your front door or best friend look like!

Using this technique, adults and children who struggle with spelling, or have little confidence in their spelling ability, can quickly and easily learn how to spell words such as rhythm, accommodation and conscience in just a few minutes. They then learn how to store new words into their visual memory so that this soon becomes a habit with every new word they see - just like people who can spell easily.

Now you can learn how to become a Magical Speller and/or teach it in the comfort of your own home or classroom by watching the Marvellous Spelling DVD. Your school, college or other learning organisation can learn to use Marvellous Spelling to impact on the students who most need help. With the one to one email mentoring service we are offering, you will have a consultant on hand if you need it.


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